Blank screen trouble when loading instrument console

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I have a problem with panels showing gauges. My fix are two graphics carte, 1 with triple caput to go (iii projectors) and the other to testify the panels gauges in two monitors. I use the full screen mode.

The trouble is that when I elevate the panel gauges to the screen inside the cockpit, the console doesn't prove. I know that the panel is in that location considering I see the instrument labels when I put the mouse on the invisible console gauges. The simply manner that I establish to make appear is loading the flight several times. The same happen when I save the flight with the panels in its place. :|

The panels are resizing to the screen dimensions to make it like shooting fish in a barrel for drag and driblet. The gauges are the standard FS and other are from Cessna RG 182 Carenado.


Fabian Scavone

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Swain Hollis
Lockheed Martin
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Post by Beau Hollis »

The panels are drawn into a texture which is a power-of-two image. (eg 512x512, 2048x1024) that must greater or equal to the dimension of the panel on screen. I call back our internal texture system caps out at 4096, so if y'all panel is going to be wider than 4096 screen pixels, you should break it up into carve up panels.


Beau Hollis
Prepar3D Software Architect

Justin Kleinert
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Post by Justin Kleinert »

I was able to recreate the issue you were having and I believe that Beau and I have come up with a solution for you. The problem stems from the fact that when you lot drag the panel to a second monitor at that place no longer exists a 3D view associated with the screen the panel is on and this causes some intialization of textures to be skipped and the panel won't draw. If you create a new photographic camera configuration (outlined below) with panel merely turned on and identify that on the same screen every bit your panel everything should load fine on start up.Y'all can also add the 'PanelOnly=TRUE' to an exisiting photographic camera definition besides.

Place this in your camera.cfg or as part of your flying file. In that location is a section of the sDK learning heart for camera definition if you demand more than information. The n in this sitation volition be the side by side integer non used in your camera.cfg


Championship = Console But

Guid = {0d00bbe7-2099-4d78-a4c1-5f683edb4cd4}

Clarification = Panel Only View

Origin = Cockpit

ShowPanel = Yeah

SnapPbhAdjust = Ordinal

SnapPbhReturn = True

PanPbhAdjust = Ordinal

PanPbhReturn = True

Track = None

ShowAxis = FrontOnly

AllowZoom = TRUE

InitialZoom = i.0

SmoothZoomTime = 2.0

ShowWeather = Yes

XyzAdjust = TRUE


Category = Cockpit



All-time of Luck,


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Mail past farkarwee »

Justin, pitiful to 'bug' yous but I tin't get my second instrument only panel to work. Followed the above but all I become is a black screen. When trying to get the 2d panel to open in it (view-cockpit not VC), I get a 3d outside view only!.

I have lobbed in this thread because,curiously,

I tin elevate a 2d console down to my 2nd. monitor (window mode then total screen) and it displays and sizes well for the Prepar3d Baron and a couple of add-ons imported from FSX....

but no other aircraft, just the blank screen as reported elsewhere in the forum.

This is holding me up in progressing with my independent transmission switching panel.

Posts: 23
Joined: Thu May 03, 2012 9:27 am

Post by farkarwee »

....and even when I do become an organization of panel+gauge+gauge etc on the instrument screen.... and save it..... and exit/load

I'grand and then chasing the windows all over the 2 (iv) screens trying to become dorsum to what I saved!

Is there anybody out there?

please. Perhaps tell me that 5 one.4 will fix this...forever!

Posts: 23
Joined: Thu May 03, 2012 9:27 am

Mail past farkarwee »

Later on 8 days and despite 190+ views ane would have to assume, for a variety of reasons, that this thread is expressionless.

I remember Prepar3d is fantastic but I wish somebody from LM had merely said something......