Is Pluto a Planet Again 2017 Science Discoveries

In 2006, Pluto was demoted from a full-fledged planet to a dwarf planet. The reason: Pluto wasn't special anymore.

Astronomers had discovered many other Pluto-size objects in Pluto's department of the solar system, called the Kuiper belt. If Pluto was a planet, why wasn't Eris? Or Haumea or Makemake?

As Voice explained in 2015, there are likely dozens more yethoped-for-discovered Pluto-size objects in the Kuiper belt. That, combined with the fact that Pluto is tiny, closed the instance: Pluto was to be known as a dwarf planet.

NASA / Johns Hopkins University

Merely so something unexpected happened: Pluto became incredibly fascinating. When the New Horizons spacecraft flew by Pluto in 2015, information technology showed that it wasn't just some tedious ball of rock and ice at the end of the solar system. It was a geographically dynamic world. Its mostly smoothen surface suggests its crust has been constantly reshaping itself, erasing impact craters. Astronomers even speculate in that location may be a dynamic, slushy sea underneath Pluto's heart-shaped basin.

"When we run across [a world] similar Pluto, with its many familiar features — mountains of ice, glaciers of nitrogen, a blue heaven with layers of smog — we and our colleagues quite naturally observe ourselves using the word 'planet' to depict it," David Grinspoon and Alan Stern, authors of a new book on the New Horizons mission, write in the Washington Post. (Stern was the principal scientific investigator on the New Horizon'south mission. Grinspoon is an astrobiologist and scientific discipline writer.)

They're not alone. There's a small grassroots effort underway among scientists to aggrandize the definition of what a planet is.

"If you lot don't call a round world a 'planet,' it just falls off people'due south mental radar," Kirby Runyon, a planetary geomorphologist at Johns Hopkins University, told me in a 2022 interview. "There is a psychological ability to the word 'planet' that helps people realize it'southward an important place in space."

Runyon was a member of the squad that analyzed New Horizons' geologic data during the flyby. "I was blown away by how beautiful and geologically diverse Pluto and its satellite Charon are," he says. In one case he'd seen this side of Pluto, Runyon was bothered that it wasn't a full-fledged planet anymore.

So Runyon, along with five New Horizons colleagues (including Stern) from different institutions, recently proposed a new definition of a planet that recognizes there are amazing geological features on space objects big and minor. And they've reignited the debate nigh Pluto that some other planetary scientists say they wish would only exist left alone.

Runyon's new definition of a planet would hateful in that location are hundreds of planets in our solar organisation

Simply 15 minutes after its closest arroyo to Pluto on July 14, 2015, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft looked dorsum toward the sun and captured this near-sunset view of the rugged, icy mountains and apartment water ice plains extending to Pluto's horizon.
Johns Hopkins University/APL

The solar organisation is filled with all kinds of intriguing moons and dwarf planets that don't get attention because they don't lucifer the official definition used past the International Astronomical Matrimony, which stipulates that a planet:

  1. Is an object that orbits the sunday (and is not a satellite of another planet)
  2. Is basically spherical
  3. Has "cleared" its path of orbit (significant it doesn't share its orbit with any other significant space object)

Among the objects that don't fit this are Enceladus, a moon of Saturn that spits off huge plumes of water vapor into space. Jupiter'south Ganymede is the 9th-largest object in the solar organization. Titan, another moon of Saturn, is the merely moon with a dense atmosphere. The definition also doesn't account for the huge numbers of planets astronomers are discovering outside our solar organisation. In their Postal service commodity, Stern and Grinspoon contend that the official definition makes it so "that substantially all the planets in the universe are not, in fact, planets."

Like-minded planetary scientists think the IAU definition, specially the third component of it, is vague and unhelpful. Over Christmas 2016, when Runyon was dorsum at his parents' house in Michigan, he woke upwardly ane morning, and wrote down a new, more inclusive definition of what a planet is.

"It was just passion; it was just bubbles upward inside me," he says.

Runyon, along with several prominent science co-authors presented it at the Lunar and Planetary Scientific discipline Conference in March 2017. Here it is:

A planet is a sub-stellar mass torso that has never undergone nuclear fusion and that has sufficient cocky-gravitation to presume a spheroidal shape ... regardless of its orbital parameters.

Or simpler: "A simple paraphrase of our planet definition — especially suitable for elementary school students — could be, 'round objects in space that are smaller than stars,'" Runyon and his co-authors write.

That definition would mean the moon is a planet. All round moons in the solar system would be planets. Pluto would be a planet. So would Charon, which orbits it.

This debate over Pluto's planetary status is unlikely to cease anytime soon

In March 2017, Neil deGrasse Tyson responded to Runyon'southward proposal on The Tardily Evidence With Stephen Colbert. Tyson, a longtime "Pluto is not a planet" advocate — jibed that Pluto sometimes crosses Neptune's orbit, and that "That'southward no kind of behavior for a planet. No!" Meanwhile, other planetary science heavy hitters like Mike Brown, who discovered some of the Kuiper belt objects that kicked Pluto off the planet list, are besides not backing down. "Nobody wants the moon to exist a planet," Brown told the CBC. (Indeed, his Twitter handle is nonetheless "@plutokiller.")

But Runyon and his co-authors aren't calling for the IAU to prefer their definition. They're hoping to inspire a grassroots movements among planetary scientists and scientific discipline educators to just start using information technology.

And then nether this new definition, how would ane draw a circular moon? "They are planets that orbit other planets," Runyon says. "And yous tin can mix and friction match adjectives. Enceladus could rightly be classified as an icy dwarf satellite planet."

Isn't this confusing? In elementary school, kids are taught nigh the eight planets in the solar organisation. And sometimes that can be difficult.

"Having 110 or more than planets shouldn't be viewed every bit a confusion," he says. Thinking almost planets in the new way, he argues, will help students sympathize the science behind them better. "If y'all've memorized the periodic table, you lot haven't learned chemistry." The new definition would have kids empathise the intrinsic scientific properties that brand a planet a planet first, and and so give them names.

I still recall it might be confusing.

But Runyon brings up another possible benefit of teaching kids nigh more planets, and this I'm more sold on: Information technology'll stoke their sense of wonder.

"One thing I actually want is for [educators], writers, and illustrators of kids' books on infinite to become aware of this definition," he says. "So they can nowadays space in a way kids can see how many places in space in that location are that they can imagine landing a spacecraft on."


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